Friday, December 21, 2007

Introduction of Feng Shui

To all the reader/visitor,

This Blog is created to help people understand more about house feng shui, no matter you own the house or you just rent it. As long as you stay in the house, you will be feeling the "Chi" effect from that house. The effect could be good, bad, or neutral to you. Definitely for different kind of people, there are different effect due to they are born in different year and different time (Shi Chen).

Some people with said feng shui is non-sense and superstitious belief, blind faith and do not believe on it. Well, I believe that feng shui is a very deep of study that normal human could not be understand in just a wording or books. We need time to prove what we believe is correct. It just like science, we need experiment, try on multiple method, see various kind of house, people and etc.

Many people think that feng shui is just for people believe in chinese GOD "Ang Kong or Shen". In fact, Feng Shui is not a religion, it is science! No matter you are Asian or not, you can choose to use your brain to analyze how truth is the feng shui. Some of the thought in Feng Shui had been scientific proven. For example, if you sit under too strong light, it will make you feel dizzy.

Miss use Feng Shui, especially put the wrong things in the wrong place, it could lead to the bad side effect for the people who stay inside the house. The effect could be as small as just make the tenant headache, get angry easily, or sleepy. For the worst effect, it could be lead you to DEAD!!! Let me show you the scientific proven which make sense to you and me, if you paint your house ceiling or wall with black color, how would you feel if you stay at the house for whole day? The answer is-- you will feel sleepy and no energy to work at all! Furthermore, black color ceiling will make people feel sad and for some weak emotional people, they might feel sadness easily and may make them commit suicide!!!

Feng Shui is to help people, no matter you believe or not, it is exist in our real life. If you stay at house/office with a good feng shui, it will make you feel your life and work is so smoothly.

What I said is 30% of your success is come from faith, 50% is your hardwork, and finally but not less, 20% is depend on feng shui. People who born to be rich, genius or smooth in his life for everything might be their "Previous Life" had been contributed to the people. Thus, they have 30% full score. Those kind of people will feel very easy to success in their life, with just a little bit of hardwork. For the bad luck people, no matter how hard they work, they just have enough money to feed their stomach. The reason is their "Previous Life"might done some bad thing to other people, and cause them loss the 30% of good luck. Thus, their success is purely depend on their hardwork(50%) and Feng Shui(20%). So, do you think 20% of Feng Shui is important or not? Please think twice and keep your answer for yourself.

Many people in this world, especially chinese, will blindly believe the road side feng shui "master" to buy their feng shui jewelry and place it in the house. End up the road side feng shui "master" get the money from the people, but if they put a wrong thing in the wrong place, it will be harmful to them. I really hate those kind of people just want you to buy their product and finally getting worst after buying the product. The real feng shui master will not as you to buy expensive thing like crystal, jed, gold and etc. Thus, before we believe in anyone or anything, just try to ask ourself:"Does it make sense or not?". Then you will never get too much regret in your life.

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